Free delivery on UK orders over £29
Short deliveries must be reported to our office within 24 hours of receipt of goods.
Updated January 2021
Our minimum order is £30 (ex vat) however we recommend an initial order of £250 (+ VAT) for Tribal Steel since sales with the full point of sale prove much more successful.
We endeavour to only show lines that are currently in stock but should an item be out of stock, we will contact you to see if you would like an alternative.
When you check out, you will be asked to fill in your contact and payment details. At this point, you will be able to add any further instructions or requests to the `Notes` box which we will read before processing your order.
The Recommended Retail Price of Tribal Steel lines is 2.7 x of cost price or above. We respectfully request this is used by both high street and online customers. H2On mark up is at your choice but mark ups in Italy is often x 2.3. Silver lines mark up are at your discretion but we are told by our customers the average is x 2.3.
Images can only be used or re-produced with written consent of Midhaven Ltd and permission will only be granted if you have actually purchased the item. We reserve the right to ask you to remove/withdraw the image if we consider it to be mis-used or misrepresentative of our goods. Our images must not be used to represent or sell goods that are not supplied by Midhaven Ltd.
We will take your payment details at the time of despatch.